Nobody seems to know the cause and least of all Adobe, which can't seem to fix the issue if it's even trying. In an 8 hour day it could easily crash a dozen times. It can happen at any time and happens fairly frequently for many people. It will happen even if you are working locally and not using a remote server. From CS6 Adobe introduced a range of bugs to torment book designers! The bug that is fixed at flaming last is the fatal error InDesign Must shut down if you dare to change the page size with anything locked on the page, but they have introduced an extra level to the main bug, as a book designer a mechanical is made by making the document the page width + page width + spine! the height is the height, to change the spine you add or take away from the default spine width, but whereas anything in the slug used to move randomly, the get around was to group the items, not bless their cotton socks they have made the App randomly move thing regardless of if they are grouped or not! This is a major BUG as far as book cover designers are concerned we have to change spines all the time, so this breaks every workflow out there, to have these bugs present for so long is a disgrace! But at least we do not have the fatal error now, instead if the folds are locked InDesign just moves them anyway - IDIOTS!Ī serious crashing bug exists with this version (and perhaps others) that has been widely reported in the Adobe Forums and elsewhere, where InDesign reports that "the connection to the server has been lost" and then shuts down completely, generating a crash report.